Family Mafia

A voice portrait of my friends Michelle Nagai, Kenta Nagai, DD Dorvillier and Sebastien Roux

Radio art


Catalogue number : 69

Just a few words on the reason why I choose this four people and their voices.

As strange as it may sound I usually don’t like to mix friendship and artistic choices a lot. That’s often a problem. As you know it happens all the time to become good friend with colleagues and fellow artist. What’s bad about it ? Still, i always somehow had a problem with it and tried to address it in one way or another. Let’s say that I always been a little stiff that way. And yet, once I got asked to put together this playlist I realised that there are four of my favorite artists that happen to be tightly connected with each other by family ties and that happen to be also very very good friends of mine.

And that’s what holds together this playlist. The curatorial principle is pure nepotist family mafia, if you like. But this time i really have no problem with it. Another friend of mine, Attila Faravelli, – also a musician ! – once told me that anthropologist Tim Ingold – that he was reading about at that time – talks about the difference between building and weaving. For building – says Ingold – you needs to start putting things like briks or stone on a solid ground while weaving does not need the ground to grow solid and unite, it’s just born out of the entanglement of some lines that eventully gives shape to a fabric, a wicker basket a polyphony or a family.

This is the way I see the beautiful connection between DD, Michelle Kenta and Sebastien and i hope i can make it hearable by discovering the way their voices and their musics can be weaved together. It does not need a solid and fixed ground, it can be eaverywhere, in europe, in the states, in Japan or in your ears, but still in my opinion it holds together beautifully.


Compositions by Alessandro Bosetti, DD Dorvillier, Kenta Nagai, Michelle Nagai and Sébastien Roux
Design: Julien Bruneau & Myriam Van Imschoot
Production: Oral Site
In the series of Volume SP, conceived by Myriam Van Imschoot.

© Alessandro Bosetti / 2025