Plane Talea is an archive of anonymous voices that composer Alessandro Bosetti has been collecting for several years.
The archive preserves tens of thousands of audio files, short vocal emissions – utterances – all or almost all of them barely shorter than a word endowed with meaning, stored in folders that specify their characteristics but omit all biographical details about the person who originally produced them.
Each time Alessandro Bosetti performs the archive he finds himself going through it in new directions, recomposing the vocal fragments without ever altering their sound nature.
Plane/Talea performances take place through a multi-channel sound system in which the audience is immersed, with chairs distributed chaotically in the space
Each sound performance is preceded by a few days of recordings during which, through a call for participation, anyone is invited to give fragments of their voice during individual recording sessions.
In the time following the individual recordings, the memory of the encounter with the voice donors slowly fades away as the composer comes to know new vocal creatures, endowed with personalities of their own and capable of leading an autonomous existence.
Each Plane/Talea performance is a walk through a vocal landscape, a community of sound beings or if you will, an imaginary and impossible and nevertheless extremely real choir. All sounds in this landscape are exclusively vocal.
The archive of voices now contains approximately seventy voices and continues to expand.
Listen to Plana/Talea #35 on Fango Radio:
The cycle of compositions collected under the title “Plane/Talea” reflect an interest in vocal polyphonic music. They envision an “impossible choir” constructed through the sampling of thousands of fragments and pieces of voices, my own and those of others, and their recomposition into polyphonic garlands and textures.
This cycle can be intended as the utopic sonification of an impossible community in which the voice is atomized into primary particles and later reconstituted into sonic masses and clouds. These are too dense and complex for a chorus of real human beings to sing.The music of “Plane/Talea” is the sonic projection of such a community. The voice is not processed or altered in any way but subjected to molecular reorganization. Theoretically, a hyper-chorus could sing material of this type but, perhaps fortunately, such a choir does not yet exist.
Plane/Talea #1 Chicago (Headphpne Score)
Plane/Talea #2 – #3 Holidays Records
Plane/Talea #4 Berlin (Regular Measures)
Plane/Talea #7 Bologna Raum
Plane/Talea #8 Grenoble
Plane/Talea #9 Milano Standards
Plane/Talea #10 Marseille Casse Tete.
Plane/Talea #12 Radio France – Tapage nocturne.
Plane/Talea #13 – #30 (Regular Measures #1 – 17) Berlin – Radio Savvy
Plane/Talea #31 – #32 Vicobarone Holidays Records, Bologna Teatro Comunale/Bologna Modern.
Plane/Talea #33 Studio Venezia one song
Plane/Talea #34 Dénsites Festival (Radio France Recording – Anne Montaron)
Plane/Talea #35 Instants Chavires
Plane/Talea #36 (Regular Measures Deutschlandradio)
Plane/Talea #37 Festival D’Automne
Plane/Talea #38 (for Lampo)
Plane/Talea #39 (for Cordite Poetry Review)
Plane/Talea #40 Amsterdam NL, MAZE Festival
Plane/Talea #41 Albi FR, Festival Riverrun by GMEA-cncm,
Plane/Talea #42 Merano IT, Festival Sonora/Kunst Meran
Plane/Talea #43 Fango Radio
Plane/Talea #44 Milano IT, Danae Festival, Teatro OUT OFF
Plane/Talea #45 Pistoia IT Nub Projet Space / Palazzo Fabroni
Plane/Talea #46 Palermo IT, Festival Wall of Sounds, Archivio Storico Comunale
Plane/Talea #47 Bologna, Raum
Plane/Talea #48 Prato, Museo Pecci
Plane/Talea #49 Piacenza
Plane/Talea #50 Studio Brigantino
Plane/Talea #51 Kutna Hora
#Plane/Talea 52 Bari, sussurra Luce
Plane/Talea #53 Berlino, Labor Neunzehn
Plane/Talea #54 « Andiamo dove si tocca » for Lateral Addition
Various formats. 2016 – ongoing.
Carried out with the support of Gmem, centre national de création musicale, Marseille.
Carried out with the support of Lampo, Chicago.
Carried out with the support of Holidays Records Milano.
Carried out with the support of Studio Venezia by Xavier Veilhan at the 57th international exposition of Art – Biennal di Venezia.